Tuesday, November 30, 2010


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ACID: Acids are the substance which when dissolve in water give hydrogen ion or hydronium ion .

Acids are classified into two category on the basis of their occurrence:

Organic acid  : the acids which obtained from the nature and in living things and plants called organic acid.For Example vinegar, citric acid in lemon.

Inorganic acid: the acids which are obtained from the minerals of earth crust called inorganic acid.for Example sulphuric acic, hyrochloric acid.

on the basis of their strength:

Weak acid: The acid which do not dissociate completely when dissolve in water. for example acetic acid

Strong Acid: The acid which completely dissociate in dissolve in water and give more concentration on hydrogen ion. For example hydrochloric acid.

on the basis of their concentration:

Concentrated Acid: chemical in which more amount of acid less amount of water.

Weak acid : Chemical in which less amount of acid and more amount of water

on the basis of their basicity:

Monobasic acid: the acis which give only one hyrogen ion when dissociate in water example hydrochloric acid

Diabasic Acid:  The acid which give two hydrogen ion when dissolve in water for example sulphuric acid

Tribasic Acid: The acid which give three hydrogen ion when dissolve in water for example phosphoric acid.

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